Dr. Enrique Monte Vázquez, España

Dr. Enrique Monte Vázquez



His Doctoral thesis ( University of Salamanca) was the first one read in Spain on Biological Control with TrichodermaHe was a postdoctoral Fleming Fellow at the International Mycological Institute at Kew, London, and on his return to Spain he won a position as Full Professor at the University of Salamanca, where he is now Professor of Microbiology. 

In 1998, he founded the biotechnology company NBT (in Seville) to bring his group's research results and patents to the market. Later NBT consolidated as an R&D company by coordinating the EU Trichoderma functional genomics project. Trichoderma.

Today he is working on the mechanisms by which Trichoderma exerts a beneficial action on plants. Enrique Monte is listed in the Stanford "World's Top 2% Scientists" ranking of the most influential researchers in his field worldwide.

Lecture title:

Los mecanismos de Trichoderma como agente de biocontrol de enfermedades y plagas