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Room A
Wednesday July 5th
Hora Cancún (GMT-5) | Title | Speaker |
08:50 – 09:00 | Congress opening | Patricio Trebilcock, Director of Redagrícola. |
09:00 – 09:50 | Past, present and future of biopesticides, biofertilizers and biostimulants in Latin America. |
Dra. Alba Marina Cotes, distinguished researcher. AGROSAVIA, Colombia |
09:50 – 10:40 | Benefits and risks of combining Mmicroorganisms as plants biostimulants. | Dr. Maximino Manzanera, Professor at the University of Granada, Spain. |
10:40 – 11:20 | Coffee Break | |
11:20 – 11:50 | Global trends in the market of biostimulants. | Vatren Jurin, Partner and Vice President Product Strategy at Dunham Trimmer. |
11:50 – 12:30 | Regulation of metabolic dynamics in high-value crops. | Eng. Roberto Navarrete, Leader of Value Offering Development in the Southern Andean Region, Innovak Global. |
12:30 – 13:00 | Unleashing the power of microbials | Dr. Marcus Meadows-Smith, CEO Bioconsortia, United Kingdom. |
13:00 – 13:20 | Reimagining Sustainability by making farmer’s more resilient with NPP | Amit Aggarwal, Director Marketing & NPP, Latam |
13:30 – 15:00 | Lunch | |
15:00 – 15:40 | Abiotic stress: biostimulation as a strategy against the effects of drought, excess of water, lack of moisture or saline soils | Dr. Prometeo Sánchez, Colegio de Postgraduados en Ciencias Agrícolas, México. |
15:40 – 16:00 | Natural biostimulants: characteristics, recommendations and analysis of cost-effective use and dosage. | Hugo Rubili Roblero Ramírez, Technical Development Manager at GREENHOW |
16:00 – 16:30 | The relevance of trace elements: how to manage silicon, iodine, selenium, cobalt and other low-dose essential nutrients that are key to plant development. | Dr. Adalberto Benavides-Mendoza, Universidad Autónoma Antonio Narro, México. |
16:30 – 16:50 | Plant immunity and response to osmotic stress through the use of dual oligosaccharides from Sargassum hemiphyllum algae. Sargassum Hemiphyllum. | Magda Elizabeth Murcia Ortiz, LEILI Technical Manager for Dominican Republic and Iberoamerica Support |
16:50 – 17:20 | Coffee Break | |
17:20 – 18:00 | The Sterics Technology: More efficient use of nutrients and reduction of stress caused by salts. | Augusto Meneses, P International Specialty Strategy Latam, Europe & Africa - Verdesian. Enrique Albelo, Research and Development Manager - Jco Fertilizer. |
18:00 – 18:50 | Plant-microorganism communication: key process in the rhizosphere for biological management. | Dr. José López-Bucio, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás Hidalgo, México. |
19:00 – 20:30 | Openning Cocktail |
Thursday July 6th
Hora Cancún (GMT-5) | Title | Speaker |
09:00 – 10:00 | Foliar application of biostimulants: what is known and what effects do they cause. | Dra. Victoria Fernández, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, España. |
10:00 – 10:20 | AMVAC in the Americas Who are we? What do we do? | Diego Mercado Martínez, Marketing Manager at Bioamvac |
10:20 – 11:00 | Coffee Break | |
11:00 – 11:30 | Use of yeasts and other bacteria for better nutrition, resistance and flowering in blueberries. | Dr. Carlos Castillo, international blueberry consultant. |
11:30 – 11:50 | Efficient biostimulants, with natural raw materials and eco-sustainable processes. | Angelo Cifarelli, Agronomist at ILSA SpA company. Víctor Abel Corro Herrera, General Manager at Biobentos. |
11:50 – 12:20 | Biostimulants in blueberries: how they help to obtain better quality fruit. | M.Sc. Sebastián Ochoa, international blueberries consultant. |
12:20 – 12:40 | Microbiological tools for environmental stress mitigation. | MSc. Pedro Castillo del Valle, Microbiologist, Universidad Austral. Microbiology Advisor Adama Chile. |
12:40 – 13:30 | NETWORKING ROUND TABLES: A selection of speakers and topics in a space for discussion and conversation. |
13:30 – 15:00 | Lunch | |
15:00 – 15:40 | Trichoderma as a biostimulant for plants in a context of climate change. | Dra. María Rosa Hermosa, University of Salamanca. |
15:40 – 16:00 | Biostimulating from the source. | Ing. Jesus Portillo Romero, Expansion Director - Bioinnova. |
16:00 – 16:40 | Use of prebiotics as a strategy for biostimulation of soil microbial fertility. | Mauricio Navarro, CEO Bioestimulando Ando, México. |
16:40 – 17:00 | Connecting science to nature. | Patricia Toledo, Director of Business Sustainability for Syngenta Latin America North. |
17:00 – 17:30 | Coffee Break | |
17:30 – 17:50 | The importance of GABA in the biostimulation of your crops. | Renata Alcaraz Solis, Plant Health Manager for the Latam region in FMC. |
17:50 – 18:30 | The mechanisms of Trichoderma as a biocontrol agent of diseases and pests. | Dr. Enrique Monte, Universidad de Salamanca, España. |
18:30 – 20:30 | Closing Cocktail |
Room B
Wednesday July 5th
Hora Cancún (GMT-5) | Title | Speaker |
10:40 – 11:20 | Coffee Break | |
11:20 – 12:10 | Gene silencing as a basis for bio-control in Latin America against diseases, pests and weeds. | PhD. Diana Zabala Pardo, specialized in RNAi for biocontrol. |
12:10 – 12:30 | The application of Gram Negative Bacteria for the optimization of horticultural crop growth. | Ignacio Villalba Recuerda, Researcher in Microbiology at MAFA BIOESCIENCE |
12:30 – 13:00 | Induction of plant resistance using elicitors: from theory to practice. | Ph.D. Antonio León-Reyes, Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador. |
13:00 – 13:20 | Integral action and benefits of using botanical biopesticides | MSc. José Guadalupe Ontiveros Guerra, Greencorp |
13:30 – 15:00 | Lunch | |
15:00 – 15:30 | Trends in the global market for biocontrol. | Mark Trimmer, director gerente de DunhamTrimmer LLC. |
15:30 – 15:50 | Silicon requirements for maximum crop efficiency. | Ing. Andrés Arguedas Gutiérrez, Area Manager de Centroamérica y Caribe en Manvert. |
15:50 – 16:30 | Formulation and correct application of biopesticides: key aspects for their efficacy. | Dra. Alba Marina Cotes Prado, Colombia. |
16:30 – 16:50 | Advances in the development of formulations based on microorganisms, polyphenols and microalgae. | Manuel Calvo Cruz, Corporate Manager at NS Group. |
16:50 – 17:20 | Coffee Break | |
17:20 – 17:40 | SICIT GROUP: an example of innovation and integration of bio-stimulant products for agriculture. | Ing. Fabio Agnolon, Commercial Director of the Agro Business Unit at SICIT GROUP. |
17:40 – 18:30 | Pheromones and semiochemicals: new biocontrol strategies for intensive and extensive crops. | Dr. Owen Jones, International Consultant at Lisk & Jones, United Kingdom. |
Thursday July 6th
Hora Cancún (GMT-5) | Title | Speaker |
10:20 – 11:00 | Coffee Break | |
11:00 – 11:50 | Challenges and opportunities in the development of biocontrol strategies. | Dr. Minshad Ansari, CEO & Founder of Bionema y de The World Bioprotection Forum |
11:50 – 12:10 | Biopesticides to meet new regulatory and market demands: MITÖ - Broad-spectrum natural bioacaricide | Gustavo Noriega, Biocontrol Portfolio Manager at Kimitec |
12:10 – 12:40 | Plant microbiome: what is the use of knowing about this? | Dr. Antonio León, Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador. |
12:40 – 13:30 | NETWORKING ROUND TABLES: A selection of speakers and topics in a space for discussion and conversation. |
13:30 – 15:00 | Lunch | |
15:00 – 15:40 | Seaweed: Understanding Interactions with Plants and their Significance in Agricultural Applications. | Dr. Balakrishnan Prithiviraj, Universidad Dalhousie, Canadá. |
15:40 – 16:00 | aTIUM technology as a physiological plant activator. | Cuauhtémoc Bolaños Alvarez, Manager in Technical Business Development LATAM at Intermag |
16:00 – 16:30 | Case studies of stress management using biostimulants in blueberries. | Fernando Diez, international advisor on fruit trees and soil management, Chile. |
16:30 – 17:10 | Coffee Break |
Networking Round Tables
Mesa | Title | Speaker |
Room A | Nanomaterials as biostimulants. | Dr. Adalberto Benavides-Mendoza, Universidad Autónoma Antonio Narro, México. |
1 | Trichoderma mechanisms as biocontrol agents for diseases and pests. | Dr. Enrique Monte, Universidad de Salamanca, España. |
2 | Trichoderma as a biostimulant for plants in the context of climate change. | Dra. Rosa Hermosa, Universidad de Salamanca, España. |
3 | Foliar application of biostimulants: what we know and their effects. | Dra. Victoria Fernández,Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, España. |
4 | Benefits and risks of combining Mmicroorganisms as plants biostimulants. | Dr. Maximino Manzanera, director gerente de DunhamTrimmer LLC. |
5 | Global market for biostimulants and bioprotection. | Mark Trimmer, Managing Partner at Dunham Trimmer & Vatren Jurin, Partner and Vice President Product Strategy at Dunham Trimmer. |
6 | Abiotic stress: biostimulation as a strategy against drought, water excess, moisture deficiency or saline soils. | Dr. Prometeo Sánchez, Colegio de Postgraduados en Ciencias Agrícolas, México. |
7 | Plant-microorganism communication: key process in the rhizosphere for biological management. | Dr. José López-Bucio, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás Hidalgo, México. |
8 | Gene silencing as the basis of biocontrol in Latin America against diseases, pests and weeds. | PhD. Diana Zabala Pardo, especializada en ARNi para biocontrol. |
9 | Induction of plant resistance using elicitors: from theory to practice. | Ph.D. Antonio León-Reyes, Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador. |
10 | New trends and strategies in biocontrol. | Dr. Owen Jones, Consultor internacional Lisk & Jones, Reino Unido. Dr. Minshad Ansari, CEO y fundador de Bionema y de The World Bioprotection Forum. |
11 | Past, present, and future of biopesticides, biofertilizers and biostimulants in Latin America. | Dra. Alba Marina Cotes, Investigadora emérita en AGROSAVIA Colombia. |
12 | Seaweed: Understanding Interactions with Plants and their Significance in Agricultural Applications. | Dr. Balakrishnan Prithiviraj, Universidad Dalhousie, Canadá. |
Networking Round Tables
Our 2023 activies will allow companies to enhance their relationship with end customers, distributors and potential business partners.

*Stand measurements and locations are for reference only.
1 | Mafa |
3 | Wiseconn |
4 | Tbio Crop Science |
5 | Redagrícola |
19 | Yara |
20 | Manvert |
25 | PNM International | Phyto Nutrimentos de México |
26 | PlantMex |
29 | Kimitec |
31 | Mercalimsa | Microsynergies |
32 | IPL Biologicals Limited |
33 | Salimax |
34 | Biovento® Organic |
35 | Sarga Agriscience |
36 | Bioibérica |
37 | CTR Scientific |
38 | Agri Star México |
39 | Azud |
40 | Ritec |
43 | Coreyal |
44 | Aneberries |
46 | Diatomix |
47 | Greencorp |
48 | Arvensis |
49 | Lallemand |
50 | Greenhow |
51 | Corteva |
52 | Daymsa |
53 | Futureco |
54 | Innovak |
Lanyard | Corteva |
For more information
Contact Us
Write us
- Belén Barbini
belen@redagricola.com - Keilyn Itriago
entradas.peru@redagricola.com - Karem Graterol
karemgraterol@redagricola.com - Patricio Trebilcock
Write us
Belén Barbini
Keilyn Itriago
Karem Graterol
Patricio Trebilcock